Book Promotion Fire Hose Review, Bonus - get your ebooks into 1000"s of libraries, for free

Book Promotion Fire Hose

Book Promotion Fire Hose

Book Promotion Fire Hose Review, Bonus – get your ebooks into 1000’s of libraries, for free

Book Promotion Fire Hose Review, Bonus – get your ebooks into 1000’s of libraries, for free – If you could get your ebooks into 1000’s of libraries, then you could potentially reach millions of new readers, who may eventually purchase your other books. In this guide, I will show you how you can get your books into libraries for free, with less than five minutes work.

Discover The Secret to Getting

Your Book In Front of Millions

of Readers Through Libraries

50% Of Library Patrons Say They Buy Books

From The Authors They Discover & Like

This 18-page training PDF is for EBOOK authors, who are looking for new and effective methods to promote their ebooks.

The described book discovery system is FREE to use, and it takes less than 5 minutes for us to submit our ebooks.

This system is geared towards getting our ebooks into thousands of libraries, which serve millions of patrons. Participating libraries exist in 37 U.S. states, Canada, United Kingdom, and Europe.

To be honest, it has always been a painful process to get our self-published digital books into libraries and more so in recent years.

625,327 self-published books were made available in 2015. That number doesn’t even take into account print books or books published outside the United States.

With that kind of volume, and the knowledge that a lot of crappy books are making it into the marketplace, you cannot really blame librarians for being shy about self-published authors.

But there is a book discovery system that works directly with libraries to get self-published authors into public libraries in the United States and other countries. Through this system, you may be able to get your ebooks in front of millions of library patrons.

As an author, there are no fees for this service. The libraries are towing the cost of this service.

Additionally, it will only take you five minutes to get your books into their system.

Through this program, you can see your digital ebooks made available in 1000’s of libraries in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom and Europe, so long as your ebooks are English-language.

And, this training is going to show you exactly what you need to do and how to do it.

More info

Book Promotion Fire Hose Review, Bonus – get your ebooks into 1000’s of libraries, for free

Book Marketing, Book Promotion, Book Promotion Fire Hose, Book Promotion Fire Hose Bonus, Book Promotion Fire Hose Review, book sales, bookselling, Buy Book Promotion Fire Hose, Libraries, publishing books, selling books


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