Planner Profits Volume 4-Bullet Journal & Planner Template Bundle

Planner Profits Volume 4

Planner Profits Volume 4

Planner Profits Volume 4-Bullet Journal & Planner Template Bundle

Planner Profits Volume 4-Bullet Journal & Planner Template Bundle – Volume 4 just released! Get YOUR Share of the Journals & Planner Craze

Rapidly Create & Sell your own Journals & Planners In Minutes With These Exciting, Brand New Royalty Free Templates​

People love buying planners and journals in different formats – whether it’s printed or downloadable (printables) so they can print themselves.

​​Customers want different approaches – no one planner or journal works for everyone, plus the fun part is – people LOVE when you create niche versions! Think marketing, social media, weight loss, health/healthy habits, blogging, and so many others.

You can now get 5 brand new, royalty free bullet journal & planner templates with Personal PLR rights so you can create and sell unlimited ​journals and planners!

These templates were created to help you:

Simply and easily create your planners without the fight of figuring out a design

Spur ideas with the layout styles (easily create niche planners)

Cut your design time to a minimum so you can publish quickly and repeatedly

They are designed in Microsoft Powerpoint for the most flexibility. For those who don’t have Powerpoint, you can easily open and edit them in free tools such as OpenOffice or LibreOffice. (Note: we don’t support these simply because we don’t use them, but as I understand it they are just as easy to use).

And most importantly – these 5 templates are extremely versatile – they can be weekly planners OR bullet journals (dated or undated – bullet journals are usually undated so people can buy 90 days at a time, and put their own dates on them).

There are so many ideas you can create here, including implementing a combination of planners WITH journals. Think out of the box ideas as well, with different niches such as motivational logs, pet diaries, affiliate tracking journals etc.


That means:

You can create endless planners/journals for yourself (I do this all the time!)

Create planners and journals and sell them on Createspace/Amazon, Etsy, or any other marketplace you wish. There are NO limits on how many you can create or sell, and there are NO royalties to pay!

YES you can give the COMPLETED planners away as you please (i.e., gifts, bonuses etc).

YES you can sell the *completed* Planners and journals that you have designed even as a digital PDF (printable), but NOT the powerpoint file.

with these templates, I’ve made it super simple for you to create and publish, without the hassle of the design part of the layouts. (That alone takes most of my time!)

For only $7.50, you are in business, creating, publishing, selling journals and planners:

More info

Planner Profits Volume 4-Bullet Journal & Planner Template Bundle

amber jalink, create planners, journal publishing, journal templates, planner profits, Planner Profits Volume 4, Planner Template Bundle, Planner Templates, planners, plr, publish journals, publish planners, publishing planners, write plannes


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